Recent Images with the X10

As well as delving into the technical aspects of shooting with the X10,  I also want this blog to be a visual feast. Photography is, after all, about the images we take (isn't it?).

"The Duke" 250th @ f7
Above is an example of the kind of image I can make when I always have the camera with me. Part of the reasoning behind switching from a full DLSR kit, to a compact like the X10, is so that I would actually carry the camera with me more often, and be ready for a photographic opportunity that I would normally pass by. This is an example of just that kind of shot.

It's a building I pass almost every day on my way to work, and I knew that around noon on a sunny day there would be some interesting shadows move cross the side of the building. Plus it's a really cool colour and I knew it would make a great photo.

"Keep Calm" 320th @ f5.6
And this is an image I shot today, during my lunch break at work. I saw this all morning, literally outside my office window, and got the shot because I had my X10 with me. I've started walking half an hour to work each morning (and home each night), and always have the Fuji X10 with me in a Lowepro (Clip 120) bag. Sometimes I take it out and grab an image, sometimes I don't. In a funny way, as much as I protested in my first few posts about this whole 'street photography' fad, having the Fuji X10 with me all the time has encouraged me to take more street-style shots. At the very least it's helping me to respond more photographically to the world around me. Something I never did with my DSLR kit.

"Home Sweet Home" 400th @f4.5
And finally, here's another shot taken out-and-about with the Fuji X10 - this one on the way home from work. This image says something about my strange sense of humor. I find the very overgrown stairs leading up to the house quite ironic when you look at them next to the carefully mown lawn. Don't quite know what it says about human nature, but it must say something?

I wouldn't be so bold as to claim that all these three images would have been impossible to make were it not for the Fuji X10. Of course I could have taken them on my Nikon D90. But I wouldn't have taken them on my D90, because I don't always have it with me. Maybe it's just a mindset? Maybe it's just laziness? I have heard of photographers carrying their D4's with them everywhere they go, but I've never met them :-)

More importantly though, I wouldn't carry my D4 with me everywhere I went, even if I had one. But I will carry my Fuji X10 with me everywhere. And it looks like I just might get some ok shots in the process?


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